Audio and Visual Multi Rooms

Multi-room audio and video conveniently enables the enjoyment of music and video to any area of the home both indoors and outdoors. Each music location (music zone) can have it’s own local source allowing for different music in separate rooms or the same music in multiple rooms, you’ll either be able to play different songs in different rooms at the same time, the same music in all rooms, or just a couple simultaneously. A multi-room system can be virtually invisible with in-ceiling speakers and TV’s built into cabinets or cupboards so not to intrude on the homes decor

At Digicomm we offer several methods and technologies when it comes to setting up your Multi-rooms, With a little bit of planning we can assist you with everything you need from start to finish of the project, once we done you’ll have full control over how music plays throughout the entire home.

This is how the Sonos, Home Sound System works